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Bone Mineral Density (BMD) testing is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure used to assess bone health and diagnose conditions such as osteoporosis. Bone Mineral Density scan uses low dose X-ray to assess the density (or strength) of our bones and the risk of fractures by measuring the mineral content in bones, typically in the spine, hip, or forearm. It classifies the bone densities into :

  • ● Normal
  • ● Osteopenic (decreased bone mass)
  • ● Osteoporotic (thin & weak bones)
  • CBCT

    CBCT (Cone beam computed tomography) is the latest development in maxillofacial imaging. It provides 3D view of the maxillofacial region at much lower radiation as compared to CT.

    A cone-shaped X-Ray beam rotates around a stationary patient with the image being detected by either a flat panel detector or image intensifier. Source and detector rotate around the patient's jaw, capturing data in one sweep. Images are reconstructed using algorithms to produce 3D image at high resolution.

    OPG & Lateral Cephalogram

    Orthopantomogram is a panoramic X-ray that captures a comprehensive view of the upper and lower jaws, including teeth, temporo-mandibular joints, and surrounding structures, in a single image.

    Cephalogram gives a lateral profile X-ray of the maxillofacial region. It shows the facial bones and occlusions, which is essential for orthodontic.


    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a powerful diagnostic tool that uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create detailed images of organs, tissues, and skeletal structures inside the body. MRI plays a crucial role in diagnosing a wide range of medical conditions, from neurological disorders to musculoskeletal injuries, without the use of ionizing radiation.

    Ct Scan

    Computed Tomography is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays to create detailed cross-sectional images of the body, aiding in the diagnosis and evaluation of various medical conditions. Peripheral vessels angiography using contrast media helps in identifying vascular abnormalities.


    Mammography is a specialized medical imaging technique used primarily for the detection of breast cancer. It involves taking low-dose X-ray images (mammograms) of the breast tissue. Mammography plays a crucial role in early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer, allowing for timely intervention and improved treatment outcomes.


    Ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound waves to create real-time images of internal organs and structures in the body.

    Our centre also performs some special USG scans:

    Foetal Anomaly Scan: A prenatal ultrasound examination to assess the developing fetus for any structural abnormalities or anomalies.

    Liver Elastography: An imaging technique that measures the stiffness of the liver tissue, aiding in the assessment of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis without the need for a biopsy.

    Musculo-skeletal USG: It visualizes the integrity of soft tissue structures like fluid levels in the joints, status of the muscles & tendons etc for diagnostic purposes.

    Sonomammography: High frequency scan to detect any lesion in breasts.

    Saline Infused Sonography: It is useful in infertility studies. It is less painful, more sensitive and radiation free in comparison with the conventional X-Ray HSG.

    X-Ray (Digital)

    Digital X-ray is a modern medical imaging technology that uses digital detectors instead of traditional photographic film to capture and display detailed images of internal body structures. This advancement allows for quicker image acquisition, enhanced image quality, lower radiation doses, and easier storage and transmission of images within healthcare systems. Digital X-ray has largely replaced conventional X-ray techniques due to its numerous advantages in diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, and patient safety.

    Barium Swallow Test

    A barium swallow study, also known as an esophagram or upper GI series, is a diagnostic procedure used to examine the throat, esophagus, and sometimes the stomach using fluoroscopy. During the procedure, the patient swallows a contrast material (barium sulfate), which coats the lining of the upper digestive tract and makes it visible on X-ray images. This allows healthcare providers to assess the structure and function of the esophagus, detect abnormalities such as strictures, tumors, or swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), and evaluate the coordination of swallowing muscles. The procedure is safe and generally well-tolerated, providing valuable information to guide diagnosis and treatment planning for gastrointestinal conditions.